





Color Pallet



Ghatar bar

Iran's Rail Transportaion system


Visual Identity of Ghatarbar

Ghatar bar specified system of rail transportation through iran’s rail network is a set of tools an equipments for shipping of cars, small-item cargos and bulk load. with more than 40 active stations all around iran and capacity of providing transportation service 24/7


we are here to provide good-price, safe and precise timed soloutions for transport cargos through iran’s rail netowrk. we reduce cost of shipping, help the enviorment to stay clean with using economic solutions by train. we made it possible to track cargos online from start point to  the end.

Dynamic and Static Icon Design

Specialized Icon design is one of the most important elements of graphical design of a website and mobile app. so in rebranding state of company we used specialized icon designing to imporve the integrity of visual apperience on our services and products




Color Pallet

Deep Blue Color

The color blue represents both the sky and the sea and is associated with open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity. Blue also represents meanings of depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, faith, and intelligence

Chedar Yellow Color

Yellow sits between yellow-orange and yellow-green in the color wheel. Being the most visible color from a distance, it is often used as a cautionary color. The hex code for yellow is #FFC637. The color of sunshine and sunflowers, yellow is optimistic, playful, and happy.

New logo of Ghatar bar is designed in according to Identity of the mother company. It uses circular elements as train wheels. blue and yellow colors are main colors of Ghatarbar Brand


At their most basic, UX buttons are styled links that grab the user’s attention and help drive them in a particular direction. Buttons can link us to other pages or complete an action like submitting a form or making a purchase. They are often used as calls to actions (CTA) we want our users to


User Experience

On basis of material design due to google’s refrence the user interface is designed to transfer the scent of a user friendly app.


Pattern is a repeatable back ground for website and app that is most related to companies purpose

Specialized gallery design

Design of

Gradient background

used in internal pages and main page

Gradient : 40%-60% light grey ; radius 10